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Beluga’s success on the International market

Beluga is developing in the Middle East, Europe and Asia.

Our export program reaches 60 countries, amongst them are regions offering the highest growth in sales.

Since 2013, we have begun direct supplies of our products to the Middle East and Eastern Europe and to distributors in Bulgaria and Cyprus. The new approach has resulted in significant growth in sales in those countries and regions, with an average increase of 100 %. In addition to that sales in UAE, Iraq and Hungary have grown significantly on the previous year’s results. That has also aided a positive effect on our level of general development.

We are also strengthening our position in the rapidly growing Asian market. In a number of countries which we sell our products, sales have increased by over 250%
Germany, UK, France, Switzerland and Italy are the leaders in Beluga sales. The retail segment growth for the first quarter of 2013 was indispensable in Sweden and Belgium.

Duty Free has proved to be a very valuable segment of our sales all over the world. Special attention should be paid to duty free areas in large airports such as Frankfurt, Heathrow, Vienna and Baku. In the past year, this area demonstrated a growth in annual sales of 100 - 150 %.

Each year Beluga is not just developing but conquering the international market, growing to become a key symbol of delicacy and success, an attribute of a high social status and holding a special position in high society.

Beluga. Made with Pride.