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Royal races

The special Beluga show devoted to the Royal Ascot races.

For over 300 years, a magnificent event from the standpoint of importance Royal Ascot, has taken place in England. These are the most famous races in the world and a symbol of British tradition, where all representatives of the beau monde get together. Royal Ascot started in 1711 when Queen Anne of England showed how prestigious this sport is and how it may serve for getting the British nobility together. Since 1945, Her Majesty hasn’t missed a race at Royal Ascot.

Royal Ascot takes place in the middle of June and lasts for one week. The small town of Ascot in Berkshire welcomes over 300 thousand people during that week each year. The most coveted award of the week is the Gold Cup and of the course the prize money that goes with it. The Gold Cup is handed to the victor by the victor of the previous year’s race.

Invitees must adhere to a strict dress code, this is particularly important to those seated in the Royal box.
Men are to wear a tailcoat and a grey top hat. Women strive to be the best dressed, particular attention is paid to their extravagant hats.

Nothing is left to chance at an event of such significance, it must be flawless. For several years, the best sommeliers have noted Beluga vodka as the favorite vodka in super-premium segment. Filled with old world traditions, Beluga vodka reflects perfectly the essence of the Royal races, principally the respect of history. This is one of the reason we are the alcohol partner of Royal Ascot.

Especially for this of event of such esteem, we prepared the faery show and a very special menu. Guests were invited to try our unique The Beluga Bubble, special bubbles filled with our vodka that burst in the mouth, also the refreshing sherbet Beluga created by joining frozen cocktails with a Beluga base.

Beluga. Made with Pride.